Is it because the weather is finally clearing up, because we really seem to have concerted the stomach flu, or because it really is so beautiful here? Yesterday we were impressed by the dunes that alternated between sand and rocks, but today we cannot stop calling out oh and ah.

We cycle in two short days through an area referred to as Magma Geoland. The description on an information board says that this rock formed about 930 million years ago at a depth of 20 km from solidified magma and then first slowly came to the surface and eroded through the ice ages. It is very ore-rich and apparently occurs only in Norway, Canada and on the lighter parts of the moon (where the ore reflects the sunlight).
The rocks look a bit like a blanket so round and wrinkled as they are. And between those rocks, on the left of the road are the most beautiful lakes and on the right the North Sea coast with the most romantic coves you can imagine.

At the campsite where we set up camp today, there are signs to the grave of the famous viking Orvar Odd, so we decide to climb the rocks to (visit) his grave. It will be a challenging tour with a spectacular view as a reward.

We turn in early today. Tomorrow a serious stage with 1100 altitude metres.
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