The longest day

What we had never planned, but just worked out that way, is that the longest day and the most northern point of our trip almost coincided. In Poland we already had increasingly shorter nights, but our first night in Sweden, thanks in part to our neighbours at the campsite who had decided to cellebrate Midsomer The longest day


Or: an accident never comes alone. We were so looking forward to just trekking again, this time through the Swedish countryside. The two stages to Uppsala were rolling in all respects: low hills that are easy to cycle up and roll off for a long time without pedalling. Fields that follow the curves of forests, Murphy


In one day we cycled from Nynäshamn to Stockholm. We are clearly in a richer country: at a cosy café a club of several dozen(!) Ford Mustang enthusiasts has gathered, a little further on we cycle across a golf course and again a little further on there is an equestrian event going on. All things Stockholm

Goodbye Poland

And then, almost suddenly, we found ourselves on the boat to Stockholm. Even though we hadn’t set it as a goal, it still felt like we had achieved one while we watch the mainland grow smaller and smaller. We cycled from coast to coast. In the rain (it’s tropical in NL right now) we waved Goodbye Poland


After exactly 4 thousand 4 hundred and 44 kilometres, we found ourselves suddenly in the heart of Gdansk. The stage there was long for us (about 90km). Oscar had carefully planned the route so that we would encounter as little traffic stress as possible when entering the city (he couldn’t have known that we would 4444

The season has started….. right?

3.5 months on the road now, and since Hungary (about 5 weeks) we have spent almost all nights at campsites. Almost never were there more than 4 guests, regularly we were alone or with one other couple of guests. “How do those camping owners manage?” we asked ourselves again and again. We sometimes heard complaints The season has started….. right?


We tried to find a warmshower address for our stay in Łódź, but apparently the holiday season has really started now: of the 3 people we approached, 2 announced that they were travelling themselves and the third had no opportunity to accommodate us. However, Andrzej did offer to give us a bicycle tour of Łódź. Łódź

Polish plain

After Częstochowa, we are really out of the hills. It still undulates, but it’s not hills anymore. Forests are still there, but also less continuous / less large. Agriculture takes over and our average speed gradually goes up. And with it, so does the distance we cover in a day, although this is mainly dictated Polish plain

Site seeing (Krakow)

We are not very good at site-seeing. It happens quite often that we draw each other’s attention to something and then, a few hundred metres later, think we could have taken a photo of it. And cycling back; you don’t do that. At least we don’t, unless in exceptional situations. If we are prepared for Site seeing (Krakow)