Last mile

30km to go, but one big climb of 700 meters and further on a steep climb. At 10 o'clock the program we participate in starts. We usually charge with 10km per hour on average in the hills including stops, so we want to get on at 7 am. Quarter past 6 the alarm goes off. We pack quickly and eat the last bread with water. A little after seven we do indeed step up. The sun is still low and the temperature acceptable. It immediately starts to run up. The percentages are around 5% and it manages to stay around 10 km / h.

Once "above" we stop in a bend where another road connects in the shade of a tree. Now let's apply sunscreen, drink a little better and relax the muscles. Above it goes up and down a bit, but after a while it mainly goes down. After a short descent we come across a bakery. There is another cyclist with a packed mountain bike. We connect and give him missing money, because pinning is not possible here. Sandwich eaten in the shade of the house and chatted with the cyclist and his girlfriend who was standing there with her bike.

Then the descent we reach 50 per hour and occasionally more. The climb to Chateau-Chinon (Mitterrand was mayor there) is quite nice. Another descent on a wide road and therefore high speed. Cars stay neatly behind us (allowed max 50). Down exit to the right down the main road and in peace we cycle to L'huis Préau. It is 10.15 am and we sit down slightly tired but satisfied. It has just opened with a poem, but nothing else missed.

Question: in the whole region there the houses are called "l'huis .." Google doesn't translate it. Is this a word in the local dialect? Does it mean what I think?

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